Meet the Acker Family!

Hi! We’re the Acker Family!

Let us introduce ourselves.  We love the Lord, spending time with family and friends, playing games, gardening, all things farming, experimenting in the kitchen, and living the great adventure of life.  Our family is quite large and very close.  That’s not nice.  I should have said, rather, that we have a lot of family (they would not appreciate being called large!).  Don is the oldest of 7 boys and while I am only one of two siblings, we have many cousins, aunts, uncles, and other extended family whom we love dearly. But that is true for his side of the family as well.  And so, our three children enjoy a very large network of loving family to call their own.

We started The Acker Adventure Guide as a way to keep up with family and friends, but also to share some of the unique experiences we have had, and continue to encounter.  I know we are not the only people in the world to do the things we do, but it is our hope that as we share our lives with you, that you will share in the joy of the adventure that is life along with us.  After all, if “many hands make light work”, then it ought also to be true that many sharing life together makes it an adventure.

(And so now I look out and see the baby shut out on the balcony by her two older siblings.  She doesn’t seem to mind…in fact, I’m sure she’s thrilled to finally have a chance at eating the mulch from the planters undisturbed!)

Life is an adventure! Today it may be an adventure in rescuing the plants from persistent babies and rescuing the baby from creative siblings!

As long as you’re here, leave us a note!  Let us know where you’re from and what you think.  We’d love to hear from you.  Yes, Mom…we’d love to hear from you, too!

Have a great day, God bless!DSC_5589